It is amazing to know that most cars nowadays have new features like LCD monitors, lightings and enhanced sounds. The best thing your car would have is the car stereo that has iPod compatibility. The only thing that is change from the old models is the plug-in to dock-in that will swallow your iPod and protect it.
It is a hazard for the driver to have so many cables near him while driving. It may bother you while driving, may knock off your iPod when you accidentally pull some wirings. In the saddest thing is when you left your iPod inside the car, the case is theft, it may be tempting to others eyes. So this new built car stereo will keep your iPod safe and make your car organized.
I presume this is the reason why Fusion produced the CA-IP500, which will factually ingest your entire iPod. This will enable the iPod playlist to be broadcasted all the way through your car’s stereo system, and you will be able to control it via the simple CA-IP500’s controls, which bear a resemblance to iPod controls.
Additional features contain a dot-matrix OLED display, AM/FM tuner, 7-band equalizer, SRS Wos sound shaping, and it has a security features so merely the driver is the only able to access his or her iPod. And to add up, the CA-IP500 can also top up the battery of your iPod when it docks inside.
The CA-IP500 is compatible with the iPod Touch Gen1 and Gen2, the iPod Classic Gen5, Gen6, Gen7, and the iPod Nano Gen2, Gen3 and Gen4.
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